Tag Archives: Batman vs Superman

“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” Official Title of Man of Steel Sequel!!!

It’s official! The title to the much anticipated, Zac Snyder directed, Man of Steel sequel is: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice!!! Pretty awesome if you ask me! And way to make it front and center that this movie will be leading up to the Justice League movie(s)!!!

Check out the official logo below, what do you think!? Let us know in the comments!

Dawn of Justice


[Update] – the more I think about it, the more I am not so sure about this title. A couple thoughts –

Not having “Man of Steel” in the title is odd since, after all, this is a sequel to the movie Man of Steel.

  1. This has to be one of the few movies where the title of the sequel has no relation (in its name) to the original movies title. I can’t think of one…
  2. Having “Superman” in the title is odd since, in Man of Steel, they went out of their way to never really say “Superman” that or call him by that name.
  3. Having “Batman” listed first in the title of the movie, which is a sequel to Man of Steel… is rather odd. Shouldn’t they have at least called it “Superman v Batman: Dawn of Justice?” And not the other way around?
  4. Saying Batman v Superman in the title is a BIG commitment. I mean, that is a HUGE promise you are making to the audience by saying, “these two characters will fight.” I mean, of course they will, it’s in the damn title! They better! And if it’s just like a little fight in the beginning of the movie like say, Iron man and Thor had in the Avengers, that is going to be BIG disappointment to the audience. By saying” Batman v Superman” in the title, the audience is expecting a movie where that will a main story line. And if it’s not, you better believe that people will be pissed.
  5. A much better title would have been “Man of Steel: Dawn of Justice” for several reasons. One, it obviously seems like more of a sequel since the damn name is the same as the original. Two, having the word “Justice” in there is a huge flag for the majority of your audience (comic book nerds) that this will introduce/setup the Justice League, so then it is expected that we will see Batman. And three, with the MASS MARKETING that will undoubtedly take place for this movie, do you really need to include Batman’s name in the title to let us know he is in the movie!? I am sure we will see 6 trailers, 7 movie clips, 8 TV spots, a couple Burger King commercials and a partridge in a pear tree leading up to this movies premiere. We will be well aware that Batman is in this movie, and probably sick of hearing about it by then.
  6. Also, last and certainly least, Paul and I were discussing this and he brought up a good point (for once in his life). They have the name “Batman” in the title of this movie, however in this new universe, we haven’t yet met a “Batman” it seems as though they are forcing us to care about a character that they haven’t even introduced yet!
  7. I think this title is just an indication of trying way too hard… they are trying so damn hard to mimic the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that they are already committing themselves to this new universe having only one movie under their belt, and are jumping in head first with this title saying “look at us! We can do this too!”


Also, be sure to check out all our other Superhero movie reviews!!!


Captain America

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Dark Knight Rises

The Avengers



First Picture of Ben Affleck as BATMAN!!!

First picture showing Ben Affleck as BATMAN!!! AND IT’S AWESOME!!!



Here it is folks, the moment we have been waiting for!!! The first picture of Ben Affleck as Batman, for the upcoming Zack Snyder directed Batman Vs. Superman (unofficial title), the follow up to Snyder’s 2013 Superman film, Man of Steel. It looks like the kind of went with the Frank Miller – Dark Knight version of the suit, which I think was a great choice, and really their only choice. The original batman movies had a standard type suit, then the suits just got crazier and crazier with 1995 Batman Forever and the 1997 Batman and Robin. Then Christopher Nolan had his turn across three movies and gave the suit a background and a reason for existing, being of military origin. And I think most people liked that take on the suit, but you couldn’t do the bulky-armor-type-suit again, so your only option is to strip it down completely. Don’t get me wrong however, I freaking love it. It looks completely bad ass. The stubby ears, and giant Batman symbol look awesome. It looks textured as well, like they did with the Spiderman and Superman costumes to give them a better visual depth. Not sure if it’s just the picture but it does look a bit stiff, like he might have problems moving his head around. You think after all these years they would be able to make a material for Batman’s mask that allows him to look to the left… guess not. Aside from the suit, no complaints about how Ben Affleck actually looks in the suit. But then again, I think for Batman it’s more about how you act, move, and sound in the suit. While I know there was a reason for Christian Bale’s dark, gritty, and modified voice, I couldn’t help but find it distracting through a lot of the parts in those movies. So we shall wait to see actual footage of Affleck to see how he holds up.

Also, the new Batmobile looks pretty cool. It almost looks like a combination of the old Michael Keaton Batmobile and the new Tumbler in the Christopher Nolan trilogy. I was never a fan of the new Tumbler I just thought it wasn’t very practical and nimble feeling. But this new one looks like it’s got the best of both, so I am definitely happy to see that. Sound off in the comments and let us know what you think. Is the suit better than Christian Bales Batsuit? Not as good as Adam Wests Batsuit? Let us know!

Speaking of Batman – you can check our our review of The Dark Knight Rises here.

Episode 03/16/14

Today on the show, we are thinking of a number between 1 and 300… If you guess correctly, you win a free show! (0:08:00)

In the news… (1:16:15)

  • Maggie Grace gets Taken again!
  • Idris Elba is a tiger!
  • Paul Giamatti is a Rhino (for a few minutes)!
  • TMNT, now in toy form!
  • Halle Berry may be storming out of X-Men: Days of Future Past!
  • Star Wars rumors just because!
  • Terminator: Genesis may have found a drunken detective!
  • Captain America vs Batman vs Superman vs Our Attention

Listen Below:

Download Here (by right clicking, then “save as”):  CR: Episode 03/16/14