Tag Archives: Chronicle

Episode 02/04/12

Today on the show, we watch your typical run-of-the-mill barn partying, blue orb absorbing, teenage telekinesis empowering popcorn flick!  It’s the Cinema Recon review of Chronicle!

We also don our patented Cinema Recon flip-flops (patent pending) and soak up the Hawaiian sun with George Clooney in The Descendants!

In the news…

  • Follow Vin Diesel as he continues along his Career Revitalizing World Tour, next stop: Riddick!
  • John McClain, Superman, and Ripley team up in the new trailer for The Cold Light of Day!
  • One could say the superhero genre is starting to get… stretched a little thin!
  • Matthew Vaughn is at the helm for the next X-Men movie, entitled X-Men: We lost Count Too!
  • Lex Luthor turned 82 on January 30th!
  • Joel Edgerton and Jessica Chastain will star in two films that are the same…but different!
  • Gran Turino writer Nick Schenk will pen the Robocop reboot, which will now star an old, war-torn, racist white dude!
Edit:  Paul makes mention on this show that The Descendants was a Golden Globe Nominee for Best Comedy/Musical.  This is incorrect, rather the The Descendants won the Golden Globe for Best Drama.  Paul would like to apologize to George Clooney, and promises to refund George for this show

Listen Below:

Download Here (by right clicking, then “save as”):  CR: Episode 02/04/12

Cinema Recon – A clip from Episode 2/4/12

During our review of Chronicle, we couldn’t help but go off on one of our tangents about how parties and dorm rooms are never portrayed quite right in movies. How can this be so difficult!?

Hey look at the found footage I found!

If you took a look with your ears holes at the most recent show we did on 10/22/11, in the movie news section I was stammering over the name of a found footage superhero movie that I had read about. I was saying Carnival… well, it turns out the name of the movie is Chronicle (I was close enough).  It follows three high school teenagers who come into some superpowers (sweet find dudes!) and of course they have some fun by playing pranks and what-nots. But just like mom says, it’s all fun and games until someone uses their superpowers to drive a jeep off a cliff into a river and kill someone.

Paul says he is sick of the found footage genre, and I agree but it does look like they are taking some of the “shaky cam” out of this one, probably in an attempt to stop movie-goers from getting motion sickness and throwing up all over each other. Either way, I think this looks pretty damn sweet from the trailer. I’ll definitely have to keep an eye on this one. Chronicle is scheduled to release in ‘Merica on February 3rd 2012.